The puzzle of chronic patterns and illness...

“Symptoms are the expression of that which our
mind and emotions are not yet able to include”.

Thomas Hubl, Contemporary Mystic

“There is no such thing as a ‘sick’ child.
There is only a ‘sick’ systems”.

Dr. Stephan Hausner, Systemic Illness Physician.

Chronic Patterns  and Illnesses are not our enemies rather they are important attempts to express, through our bodies, that which our minds and emotions are not yet able to process. It is often our early traumas that leave their influences in the patterns which cause our lives to unfold or not unfold…the restrictive patterns and unresolved dynamics that interfere with our capacities to live our lives to the fullest.

Chronic Patterns and Illnesses can be expressions of experiences that we or our family ( natal and transgenerational) have experienced and which have not yet been fully included consciously into our awareness and our emotional processing. They are often dynamics from the past that were too overwhelming to be integrated and digested and which have found their expression through the symptoms that we have.

Chronic Patterns and Illnesses can be the outgrowth of our early survival strategies which were created by the youngest parts of ourselves during experiences that were too big and overwhelming to integrate. They were initially life saving attempts to keep us and our family safe in a world where our safety was threatened. When these young parts of ourselves can come home and tell us all about what they went through and what they were trying to achieve, the Chronic Patterns and Illnesses can begin to let go and new possibilities for expansion can begin to take form.

From the ‘IOPT/Identity Development’ perspecctive, they can be the expressions of the parts of us that split off during early trauma in order to keep us safe . From the perspective of Systemic Medicine’, they can be expressions of profound loyalty and love for those who came before us and our attempts to save them. From the perspective of Pre and Perinatal Psychology, they can be the coping mechanisms that allowed us to survive very challenging experiences that might have threatened our very capacity to stay in life.

Whatever our physical symptoms or physical condition are, they are expressions of important and deeply committed parts of ourselves that were left behind and that are desperately trying to make themselves known, included, and authentically loved.

Chronic Patterns and Illnesses, in my opinion, are the expression of our best heroic selves and our attempts to meet challenges that were too big for us to meet and that required holding patters to keep us safe. As we uncover these hidden aspects of ourselves and bring them back into our essential self, their life saving structures can finally relax and when that happens, life can begin to breath safely and new pathways for living, being and becoming can unfold.